Kittitas County Pride and CWU’s Lion Rock Visiting Writers Series are hosting an evening of LGBTQIA+ poetry at Gallery One Visual Arts Center on November 22nd from 5:30-8:00pm hosted by Taneum Bambrick. Doors open at 5:30, program begins at 6:00pm. This event is FREE to attend and open to all community members, but with limited capacity. Reserve your FREE ticket via Eventbrite today!
If you would like to participate by reading one poem (an original poem is preferred but not required) please send your poem to by October 22nd before 5:00pm. All participants will be notified by the first week of November!
Please include the following information with your submission: Name, Pronouns if you’d like to share them, Preferred email address, and Bio: because this event is about making community, we will not read bios but ask that each reader tell us one (in one-two sentences) thing about themselves: something they love, something they are curious about, a skill they have, etc. At the event, we will read these to introduce each reader in place of traditional bios before each reader.
Register for FREE here.